好多的爱,开始于别离之际。就像好多的故事,一开始,以为只是一场游戏。略真略假。直到有一天,那个一直陪你玩这场恋爱游戏的人彻底退赛。心,轰然一空!人间多少假假真真的故事,直到最后才知道,原来我爱你…… —— 苏芩

A lot of love, starts when two people are parting. Just like most of the stories, at the beginning, everyone thought that it’s just a game, slightly true, slightly false. Until one day, that person who play the game–love–with you decided to forfeit. Suddenly, the heart feels empty! There are so many stories going on out there, and only towards the end, you will realise, “I love you…” all this while. 🙂